
Zach Pannier

Contact Zach

Zach Pannier has always enjoyed building great things—people, buildings, teams, relationships. This passion, coupled with a curiosity for understanding how things work, led Zach to pursue a degree in Architectural Engineering at The University of Texas and ultimately led to his career in construction management. A DPR employee since 2001, Zach has worked in Texas, Southern California and the Carolinas. He currently serves as the business unit leader in Charlotte-Greenville and is responsible for DPR's overall operations in the Western Carolinas.

With a unique combination of technical, facilitation and leadership skills, Zach uses high levels of communication and trust to improve project delivery through building high-performing teams. He has managed large-scale projects, small SSG projects and everything in between, totaling more than 2.5 million sq. ft. across all five core markets during his career with DPR.

We are in the people business. I love that my choice in profession allows me to connect with people from all walks of life; whether it be someone in a Fortune 500 C-Suite, or a laborer on-site, I learn something from everyone I connect with.

Zach Pannier


  • Role: Charlotte-Greenville Business Unit Leader
  • What you Love About Construction: In addition to the people side, I love that we are able to see the physical manifestation of our efforts through the creation of amazing places for our customers; places where people are healed, where new technologies are created, where new treatments and cures are designed, where we create an environment to help our customers change the world!
  • Your Hero: My father. He taught me three things: 1. The Golden Rule - Treat others the way you want to be treated. 2. Anything worth doing is worth doing to your fullest. 3. Humility and hard work, mixed with a bit of luck are the keys to success.
  • Favorite Subject in School: Math + Physics = Dork
  • Best Vacation Spot: Our honeymoon in Southern Africa (South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia). Amazing culture. Amazing people. Amazing natural beauty, my wife included ;).
  • Word to the Wise (Advice): I’ve lived in many places across the country with my formative years in Wisconsin. You cannot grow up in Packer country without idolizing Vince Lombardi as young boy. As I’ve grown older and taken my own leadership journey, I’ve identified with him in a deeper more meaningful way. Vince was all about winning, but chose to invest his time and energy in starting with the heart first, to truly understand those that he was leading. Once you understand someone’s heart, you can lead them anywhere.

Contact Zach

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