
Ensuring Worldwide Consistency and Quality with EMC Corp.

Sometimes, things have a way of working out...When DPR's Camilo Garcia moved from the U.S. back to his native Bogota, Colombia, he discovered that existing DPR customer, EMC Corp had needs in the region.

The global IT services provider was launching a growth initiative in Latin America and started working with Garcia in that part of the world. Almost two years later, the experience has led to notable successes such as a “Next Generation Office” renovation.

Scott Krall, EMC’s Manager of Project Services, said the following about the partnership formed by EMC with DPR and Garcia: “The opportunity came up and the fit was good. Having someone who understands EMC’s project management procedures and processes, who can speak the local language, and has an understanding of EMC’s culture based on our relationships here [in the U.S.] have been clear benefits.”

Read more about the initiatives in Colombia, Mexico, and Puerto Rico