We Stand Down
As one of the safest contractors in the nation, we’re committed to promoting and nurturing an Injury-Free Environment (IFE), with the goal of achieving zero incidents on every project.
Each year in the United States alone, falls from elevation account for more than 200 construction deaths and more than 10,000 injuries within the industry, according to the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Falls are the leading cause of construction fatalities—accounting for one-third of work-related deaths in construction—and are among the top 10 most frequently cited OSHA standards. And yet, it’s preventable. . .
Yesterday, DPR offices and jobsites nationwide joined together to share a moment of reflection and discuss ways to prevents falls through the 2015 OSHA National Safety Stand-Down campaign. By sharing the same message simultaneously—across four different time zones—we reached thousands in the construction industry, raising awareness about fall prevention.
Here are some photos from a sampling of the DPR jobsites around the country that participated in yesterday's 2015 OSHA National Safety Stand-Down:
Mid-Atlantic region
We “stood down” last year as well and collected more than 6,000 signatures from participants in the first OSHA National Safety Stand-Down to prevent falls, which reached one million workers total in the industry.
We are proud to stand down...yesterday, today and every day.
*Throughout the month of May, look for a number of safety-related blogs from DPR safety champions across the country who will be sharing safety tips and information.*
Posted on May 5, 2015
Last Updated August 23, 2022