
So Cal Community Champion Honored By NAWBO-OC For Leadership

Having the opportunity to put your professional skills to work helping others is one of the many perks of working for DPR. Being recognized by a major business organization for the impact you’re making, well that’s just icing on the cake.

DPR’s Melissa King was honored by the National Association of Women Business Owners, Orange County (NAWBO-OC) on Oct. 16 at their annual Remarkable Women Awards Gala. King was nominated by Girls Inc., a DPR Foundation-supported organization, where she serves in a leadership role for Women for Girls (a Girls Inc. support organization), and as a hands-on volunteer since 2011.

Melissa King, from DPR's So Cal office, shown here with her mother Jeanne Bargman, volunteers with Girls Inc. more than 100 hours annually and has arranged cash and service contributions to the organization of nearly $300,000 since 2011.

Girls Inc. nominated King for the honor, citing her increasing personal involvement as well as her ability to bring DPR’s resources – financial, volunteers and industry relationships – to make an even greater impact.

“Melissa is ensuring that 5,000 girls in our community become strong, smart and bold,” said Orleda Azevedo, Director of Volunteer Services for Girls Inc., in the nomination form. “Melissa is a true role model not only for girls but for our staff and volunteers as well.”