
Building Foundations Spr/Sum 2011

It would be easy enough for the DPR Foundation to be satisfied with the significant financial contributions it has made to help socio-economically disadvantaged children within the communities in which DPR has established operations. In 2010, DPR contributed $470,000 to 12 organizations across the country, bringing its three-year contribution total to $895,000.

While these contributions surely help the selected organizations meet their missions, DPR specifically targets work with those charities that are in need of true hands-on assistance. “In typical DPR fashion, we want to be involved,” said Jeff Vertucci, who serves on the DPR Foundation Board of Directors. “If our employees are truly connected to the organization, we can make the biggest difference. This also allows us to see firsthand how we are able to benefit the communities we serve.”

Three of the newest receiving organizations, Future for Kids, StandUp for Kids and the Boys & Girls Club of Pomona Valley, have kicked off the summer with numerous events where DPR employees have had the opportunity to help out: