Two DPR volunteer workers carrying materials

Building Possibilities for the Under-Resourced

2020 Community Initiatives Annual Report

A Year of Possibilities

Listening and responding to our nonprofit partners' needs took on greater importance during the COVID-19 crisis. The years-long community partnerships allowed us to act quickly to support nonprofit needs. Events of 2020 underscored that one of our most pressing issues in our communities is the growing economic divide. We are humbled by the dedicated work of our community partners, and proud to help them succeed through the unique skills and resources we have as a company.

Looking forward to 2021 and beyond, DPR will continue to listen to our nonprofit partners and create innovative ways to use our resources to help them, and our communities, thrive.

Whitney Dorn, Diane Shelton, Gavin Keith, Lina Nageondelestang, Rodman Marquez, Angie Weyant, Jim Washburn, Cari Williams, Greg Sherman, Diane Rossini


2020 Outputs and Outcomes

graphic image illustrating Three Pillars of Skills-Based Volunteering

Building Possibilities for the Under-Resourced

Through Three Pillars of Skills-Based Volunteering


Skills-Based Volunteering

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that DPR’s skills-based volunteering with nonprofit partners is the most impactful use of our time and effort, and the best way to make real social change. As we continue to build relationships with community partners and listen to their needs, we stay true to our strengths as a company to give back to our communities.


Facility Construction and Renovation

DPR makes facilities improvements that enable community organizations to maximize their impact.

$400,000 Value of volunteer facility construction and renovation projects in 2020.

51 renovation projects for nonprofit partners in 2020.

96% of clients surveyed said DPR’s renovation projects allowed them to improve the client experience “quite a bit.”

image of DPR volunteers painting a wall
DPR employee teaching a classroom of students
DPR volunteer teaching children a computer program
Because of the pandemic, we have had to move our curriculum online. This meant that it was the perfect time for a new paint job in the interior. DPR totally transformed our community center into a more vibrant and enjoyable place.

Clausen House, Oakland, CA

Brian O’Kelly Day of Service

DPR helped to repair the Best Buy Teen Tech Center after it flooded. Upon re-opening, this will allow youth a space to learn technology related skills.

HANDY, Fort Lauderdale, FL

Teen Tech Center Repairs and Craft-led Shelving

Over the past two years DPR volunteers have reconfigured our indoor and outdoor spaces at multiple sites for clients and staff to maximize the functionality of the spaces. They have fixed and repaired so much of our infrastructure and it is now working properly and safely.

Girls Inc. of Metropolitan Dallas

Facility Updates


Career and Education Guidance for Youth

DPR creates and delivers construction education and career programs for under-resourced youth.

35 virtual construction and career education initiatives, reaching 2,000 under-resourced youth.

700 hours volunteered to develop and implement virtual learning modules.

90% of partners surveyed said DPR’s education programming expanded youth’s confidence in their potential for success.

DPR Volunteer assisting children with a fun build project
Screen shot of a virtual learning class
DPR Employee teaching children how to use tools
Thank you for an amazing week of construction and design with DPR. What an incredible opportunity for our students with such fabulous feedback and coaching from the DPR team. This Sketch Up experience is definitely one of the silver linings of the pandemic.

Peninsula Bridge, Palo Alto, CA

DPR's Build Up with SketchUp Training

Many of our young people lost their jobs during the pandemic and had lost a lot of hope. DPR staff participated in a virtual career panel for these youth where they learned about their education level, certifications and roles within the company. They were encouraged to ask questions and in the end they learned a great deal about how far and wide careers in the construction industry run. They were inspired and have asked that DPR participate in more life skills sessions in the future.

United Friends of the Children, Los Angeles, CA

Career and Education Panel

Thanks to DPR's participation in our 'Girls Go Build' program, we now have a teen high school girl enrolled in the construction academy at her high school (the only girl!) and she is considering a career in the construction field.

Milagro Center, Delray Beach, FL

Girls Go Build Camp


Operational Support for Nonprofit Partners

DPR builds relationships with community organizations and helps strengthen their operational capacity.

66 partner organizations supported through board service, professional skills training, and other operational support.

#1 request from nonprofit partners during COVID-19 shutdown was professional skills training from DPR’s Learning & Development team.

Preconstruction, planning and estimating was the most valuable volunteer skillset to our nonprofit partners in 2020.

Volunteer smiling and measuring materials
DPR volunteer assisting children build safely
DPR Volunteer assisting children with power tools
DPR jumped in immediately with relief funding during the early weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown, when our organization was in crisis. This directly contributed to our organization surviving the lockdown AND we are now serving over 60 students through remote learning architecture programs.

Sawhorse Revolution, Seattle, WA

COVID-19 Financial Support

The partner relationship has greatly increased during COVID-19. DPR makes it a point to support our organization on every aspect through operating support, enhanced programming, job shadowing, live experiences for our youth and deep dive strategic partner planning.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Houston

Operational Support, strategic planning, and youth education

During COVID-19, the extra support was critical. We submitted a report, but I think it is key that DPR helped us prevent our residents from starving, for them to have essentials, and for our youth to continue their educational after school programming online. DPR was critical in the lives of our community.

St. Francis Neighborhood Center, Baltimore, MD

Support for transition to virtual programming



The DPR Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to supporting organizations that build possibilities for under-resourced youth in grades K-12. In 2020, an additional grant cycle was added to help long-term partners weather the storm through the COVID-19 pandemic, bringing total annual gifts to $1.2 million.

$10 Million
In grants to organizations bringing new possibilities to under-resourced youth since 2008.

100% of DPR Foundation grants are unrestricted, so our partners can direct funds where they are most needed.

Additional funds granted to partners in 2020 at onset of COVID-19 shutdown.