
Greg Haldeman

Contact Greg
Greg Haldeman

Greg Haldeman is a builder at heart and has always loved building things and taking them apart. He got his love for building at an early age from working with his father who was always working on the house, cars, or anything that needed fixing. Today, Greg puts his building skills to work as a member of DPR's Management Committee, developing strategies and practices that help build great teams, great projects and a world-class company. With a focus on expanding DPR's Northeast operations through new Boston and New Jersey offices, Greg is also continuing to support DPR's Mid-Atlantic office locations.

We are products of our choices, not our circumstances.

Greg Haldeman


  • Role: Northeast Regional Co-Leader and Leadership Team Member
  • Favorite DPR Core Value: Enjoyment – You spend too much time at work to not enjoy what you do.
  • Favorite Thing About Construction: The people. I love seeing the projects go from an idea to completed building and it’s the great people in this company and this business that do that.
  • Most Useful App: Sonos – There is always music playing in my house.
  • Best Vacation Spot: Camping, hiking or simply being outside anywhere.
  • Favorite Subject in School: Physics

Contact Greg

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